Rapare 22 Poutu-te-rangi

Wednesday 22 March

Thanks to all the families that came to family fun night. There was a great turn out and even though the races we had planned never happened, everyone had a great time or so it seemed!

The egg throwing was fun. There were some amazing "soft" catching hands. The first prize easter eggs were won by these super Dads.

Thanks to the FONS group who planned and made burgers, cooked sausages, did baking and set up. Without you fantastic people our school would not have the same community support and wonderful feeling.

We finished, added a simile, read to ourselves, did improvement writing and some of us conferenced with Mrs Dixon.

For heaps of us our next steps is becoming accurate with our capitals for names and places AND after a full stop!

James hard at work.

Inquiry reading was looking at a variety of sources and making a plane to do a paper mache landscape of the Hunua Falls area. We worked in small groups and were stunning in the way we planed and started making our models.
When they are done and painted we will show the result of a little rain and a once in a ten year flood.

 A plan using topography maps, A view of Hunua and images of the ridges.

Today was Kauri assembly. I had no voice so the children planned and orchestrated it. Benji and Eva read their poems

Lisa and a group showed their Maori designs and their Maui sun pictures.

Mrs Blundell talked about and presented the letters to the 3 Student leaders.

We sang some "popular songs"

Cruz made this fantastic helicopter and bought in his motor. Now it really looks the part!


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