Rapare 8 Pipiri

Thursday 8 June

Cross country training is tomorrow, weather permitting.

Figit spinners are allowed in class tomorrow to do some science experiments with. Please check they have a name on them.

Our advertising lead us to look at logos. We recognize so many!

We need these things to make our advertisement successful.

Today we used our e-asstle rubric to see what we need to do when organizing our writing.

We found we needed to link our ideas in our paragraphs. We reread our Information report and sorted out which ideas went together to make our text flow. Then we numbered our bullet points before we put them into text with subtitles.

James really got going after some help and did this great job.

Sam and Cruz used their imagination to make an army.

Maths today was adding by rounding

38+20= 58-1=57

Subtraction is " BE FAIR, BE FAIR
Round 69 to 70 and as you added on to 1 number, you have to add 1 onto the other number so it becomes 70-16 which is easy to jump backwards in tens and solve.

Thanks Tara for my gorgeous name tag.

June 25th is Matariki.  It is such a great time of the year for Maori culture. Look out for it on the horizon.

Drumming with our new buckets.


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