Rahina 31 Hongongoi
Monday 31 July
This morning we shared our news and photos with each other.Thanks to the people who sent in photos. That always makes it really vivid for the children.
The ASB bank "Get Wise" team came in to talk to the children about Financial Literacy. They talked about training to set yourself a goal so you can save your money so you buy something you really want.
Crystal talked about having your own bank account at a bank, ways to earn money at home, ways to earn money in the community and ways to keep safe while earning money.
Tomorrow is the Ned show.
Monday 31 July
This morning we shared our news and photos with each other.Thanks to the people who sent in photos. That always makes it really vivid for the children.
Emma and Hayley's photos using the new app.
Showing the photos
Happy birthday Sunny. What a cool place to stay in Hawaii. Look at the view from their room!
Lilly and Aaliyah at the beach.
The ASB bank "Get Wise" team came in to talk to the children about Financial Literacy. They talked about training to set yourself a goal so you can save your money so you buy something you really want.
Crystal talked about having your own bank account at a bank, ways to earn money at home, ways to earn money in the community and ways to keep safe while earning money.
Crystal from the ASB.
We were really interested.
If you put your money in a piggy bank you would have the amount Noah has. If you put it in a bank you could end up with this much due to interest!
Amelia wants this car!
Fons came in and gave us 3 sets of cards, knuckle bones and some games to make break times fun.
Look at us having Bay blade battles!
SSR with Isi. He read "White Sunday", a story from Samoa.
Meeting the deadline of today for our "Mystery egg "story.
Part of our staff meeting was about ensuring NPS showed great behaviour inside and outside the class. This chart and discussions by the staff and teachers is to reinforce these concepts. You could talk about them at home as well.
Tomorrow is the Ned show.
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