Ratu 22 Here-turi-koka

Tuesday 22 August

Interesting headlines from Satur'days paper

The narrow range of subjects that fall into National Standards the 3 Ws' inhibit those who show skills in the Arts and creativity in my opinion. 

This Friday is Daffodil Day. The children are so excited and creating and working with others to raise money for the Cancer Society.

Look at our Stall posters!

Thinking and adapting then reflecting. Is it what we want?
Will it appeal to the buyers? What can I do to improve it?

Look at the creativity and things we learnt from last terms inquiry about the power of advertising.

Bay blade inventions.

Making our model f our animal's enrichment activity/toy that could go on to make animals at the Auckland Zoo feel happy and stimulated. We have certainly been challenged to solve the problems we have met while creating these. Our Learner Qualities of thinking, questioning, adapting, being determined, reflecting and self aware have all been tested and we have passed with flying colours. I am so proud of their thinking and co-operative skills!

Look at the designing and making

Orangutan enrichment 

Sam's Chimp park

Hurry up you guys!

Spikes Squirrel monkey feeder.

How do we make grass and leaves? I know said Lisa.

Our enrichment toys even enriched our learning!

Bay Blade arena, thanks Adam!

Testing out the toy on a cute little Red Panda (cruz).


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