Raapa 6 Mahuru

Wednesday 6 September

Don't forget to keep those boxes of chocolates being sold for equipment and facilities for your children.

Today I did a demo lesson for Room 13 on how to plan a narrative. We started our own little pig story today in Room 11 and used the story mountain to help use sort and categorise our ideas so they flow.

This was my model.

We used key ideas to help make a framework to support our narrative.

Maths was Problem solving using place value and a fraction of a set.
We warmed up with card games that used times tables.

James has nearly finished his leopard Info Report in google slides.

We presented these one today. then we did some improvements as we reflected on what other people had done and what we would like to see in ours. The mark of a great learner!

Amelia's favourite author.

Sam and Cruz presented our enrichment objects to the Kauri Assembly.

Lion enrichment 

Chimpanzee enrichment.

Two diorama from room 14.

The Choir "bunnies "made Mrs Linehan really proud with their singing and behaviour. Well done you super stars!

Kauri certificates.

People who got Distinction in their Australian Maths exam. What stars you are!


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