Rapare 21 Mahuru

Thursday 21 September

Don't forget to get your chocolate and bars money in as soon as possible.

Spike and his Mum sorted out a deal where everyone got what they wanted! He looks so  cute with his new hair style.


We are getting to be strong and do amazing tricks on the bars for fitness,

Open ended questioning from the text. The Plight of the turtle.
What do these words mean?
What does the phrase ... mean, What does the diagram mean?
Why do you think? How would... What does this illustration show? Why would...

If you made a poster, what would you have on it? Why would posters be a necessity?

Hard at work on our Tapa turtles

Researching pacifica patterns

Emma L's tapa turtle,

Adam proved the Leatherback turtle could grow to almost 4 meters. He knows heaps about turtles and even has one.

Maths today was equal sharing.

And addition with money.

Warm ups with cards 

Tables with cards

Lucia teaching Samantha division.

Snatch the cards with addition and multiplication.

This afternoon we created our own conservation poster that could be displayed to help save endangered turtles using an illustration, colour, a catchy slogan and information where appropriate.

For P.E we played badminton using the games Mani had taught us.

Isi reading to Room 2 children. The kids love hearing the kauri kids read to them.

Toa reading his book to them. Their reading is becoming smooth and has lovely expression.


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