Raapa 10 Haratua

Wednesday 10 May

Choir went out to a singing trip with the Auckland choir. Good one guys.

Cruz broke? chipped a bone in his ankle playing chasey on the stairs outside Room 14 and is in plaster for 2 weeks and maybe more depending on how he heals.

Today Mark Sommerset can to talk and sing to us. He was our visiting author.

Here he is singing one of his songs.

Some of the 7 books he has written.

Sophisticated picture book. One with a subtext.

For Maths we have our number sticks. We are trying to + X and - quickly.
We do it in pairs and our buddy listens to us.

For the circles, Maths was rounding to the nearest 10.

Then it went to 246 rounded to the nearest 10= 250
It got tricky for some people when it came to 498 rounded to 500
or 607 rounded to 610.

We finished out Google Slides "What book am I?"
Tomorrow we will share them and see if we know the books.

They shared them with me and were relieved when they reached my emails!

One of our Literacy Teams came 1st in the competition last night.
The other team came middle of the table.
Thanks Mrs Williams!


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