Raapa 24 Haratua

Wednesday 24 May

Don't forget its cluster sports day on Friday. Bring warm clothes and a change in case you get wet.

Thanks Tara's Mum for coming to the hockey!

Figit spinners are the rage. These clever kids are making them from my kennex!

This is our drum band. We will play for you at our assembly on May 31st at 1.45pm.

As you can see they are a bit nervous about it!

For reading and writing we sorted and classified information.
We read a text about cats that was muddled and hard to understand.
We found when we grouped the information into subtitles, our brain could take in the information so much better. We also could find the information we wanted much easier because we could look for the subtitle we wanted.

We have our thumbs up to say we thought we were successful.

We got our results from our maths assessments.
Gloss tells the children what strategy they used. Multiplicative is the best strategy.

6 house in a row and 3 rows. An Early stage 6 strategy is 6X3= 18

Everyone has set themselves goals as part of our selfawareness. What do we need to do to go from "Good to Great"




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