Raapa 15 Hui-tanguru
Wednesday 15 February
Suspicious Male in the Northcote Area
We have just been made aware that a suspicious male approached one of our students this morning, and asked the student to get into their van and go with them. This incident took place in by the Northcote Tennis Club down from Northcote Primary.
The individual concerned were driving a White van. The Police are aware of the incident and ask if you see anyone fitting this description and acting in a suspicious manner to call 111. Our student is safe in this instance, however it is a very pertinent reminder that student safety in our community is paramount.
Unfortunately there was a computer glitch when I booked my swimming time. I have had to change it to Monday afternoon as someone else had snaffled my usual time.
So now swimming is on Monday. Sorry.
Year 3 to Year 6 Miniball Trials
All Year 3 to Year 6 children who have registered to play Miniball, by returning the registration form, will have the opportunity to trial on the following dates/times:
Tomorrow morning, Thursday 16 February at 8.00am. Please arrive 10 minutes beforehand to be allocated a number.
Friday 17 February at 1.00pm (lunchtime). Please note that lunch eating on Friday will occur after the trials are completed.
Children can attend one or both trials and every child who trials will be placed in a team. The trials will be run by external, neutral personnel from North Harbour Basketball
The wet day monitors are done but we are not on this term. The office messenger list is done and your Year 6 children will have the chance to show responsibility by being the office messenger for portions of the day.
These are our ideas from our "Learning Wall" .These will help us be great learners in the Room 11 "Learning Zone!" The children thought these things would help us be the best we can.
Today our Learning intention was to see how looking at a model, looking at things in detail, getting and giving good feedback and accepting others feedback will make what we do so much more than just average.
Wednesday 15 February
Suspicious Male in the Northcote Area
We have just been made aware that a suspicious male approached one of our students this morning, and asked the student to get into their van and go with them. This incident took place in by the Northcote Tennis Club down from Northcote Primary.
The individual concerned were driving a White van. The Police are aware of the incident and ask if you see anyone fitting this description and acting in a suspicious manner to call 111. Our student is safe in this instance, however it is a very pertinent reminder that student safety in our community is paramount.
Unfortunately there was a computer glitch when I booked my swimming time. I have had to change it to Monday afternoon as someone else had snaffled my usual time.
So now swimming is on Monday. Sorry.
Year 3 to Year 6 Miniball Trials
All Year 3 to Year 6 children who have registered to play Miniball, by returning the registration form, will have the opportunity to trial on the following dates/times:
Tomorrow morning, Thursday 16 February at 8.00am. Please arrive 10 minutes beforehand to be allocated a number.
Friday 17 February at 1.00pm (lunchtime). Please note that lunch eating on Friday will occur after the trials are completed.
Children can attend one or both trials and every child who trials will be placed in a team. The trials will be run by external, neutral personnel from North Harbour Basketball
The wet day monitors are done but we are not on this term. The office messenger list is done and your Year 6 children will have the chance to show responsibility by being the office messenger for portions of the day.
These are our ideas from our "Learning Wall" .These will help us be great learners in the Room 11 "Learning Zone!" The children thought these things would help us be the best we can.
Today our Learning intention was to see how looking at a model, looking at things in detail, getting and giving good feedback and accepting others feedback will make what we do so much more than just average.
We watched Austin's butterfly on You tube.
1st we visualized a butterfly and drew it.
2nd we looked at the picture on the screen.
3rd we drew it again.
4th we gave each other honest but kind feedback on two points on each others drawings.
We were determined to give it our best shot!
Feedback helped us see how we could improve our work.
Then we drew again
Once again we gave feedback before drawing our 5th butterfly.
These were the results. The 5th art work was so much better because we used a model, detailed observation, feedback, persistence, self assessment and peer assessment. Look at our artwork. How cool are they.
At lunch time we got hot and bothered in a fun way!
This afternoon for Inquiry we started to find out about things we would/could see around camp.
The boys read about the mustelids and we were interested in how the traps worked.
We wondered why they were bought into NZ.
We were surprised to find otter belonged in that family of animals.
We saw their footprints and compared and contrasted.
We saw how DOC were using traps to catch the cute looking, vicious animals.
We compared sizes and colours.
We even looked at possums and why they are a pest!
Don't forget the Meet the teacher tonight if you haven't already met me and it fits in.
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