Ramere 17 Hui-tanguru
Friday 17 February
Urgent Media Update Re: Previous Incident Involving a Northcote Intermediate Student:
We are pleased to report that the driver of the vehicle who asked the Northcote Intermediate School student if they would like a ride to school has been identified. He had clear intentions of helping the student but now realises how this could have been interpreted by the student, and subsequent stress for him and his family. That was not his intention and he is very sorry for all anxiety felt because of his actions in both our and surrounding schools. Once he realised the seriousness of the situation he came to speak to Ben Kelsey, Principal of NIS directly. He is a valued member of our community. The student involved and family are pleased to have the situation resolved in this way.
We will continue to talk with our children about how to keep themselves safe on the way to and from school.
If you wish to contact me further regarding any issues about student safety, please do so by calling the school office or emailing me.
Swimming is on Mondays. Don't forget your togs and library books on Monday.
Today we had P.E at 10am. The Learning Intention was to throw, catch and bat. We used the T ball tee and played non-stop cricket. Everyone loved it and is getting so fit. The big hill at camp will be no trouble to us!
For Maths my class do a basic facts and tables game with cards and dice to learn them. If you have cards or dice you could get your children to practice using this fun game
Friday 17 February
Urgent Media Update Re: Previous Incident Involving a Northcote Intermediate Student:
We are pleased to report that the driver of the vehicle who asked the Northcote Intermediate School student if they would like a ride to school has been identified. He had clear intentions of helping the student but now realises how this could have been interpreted by the student, and subsequent stress for him and his family. That was not his intention and he is very sorry for all anxiety felt because of his actions in both our and surrounding schools. Once he realised the seriousness of the situation he came to speak to Ben Kelsey, Principal of NIS directly. He is a valued member of our community. The student involved and family are pleased to have the situation resolved in this way.
We will continue to talk with our children about how to keep themselves safe on the way to and from school.
If you wish to contact me further regarding any issues about student safety, please do so by calling the school office or emailing me.
Swimming is on Mondays. Don't forget your togs and library books on Monday.
Today we had P.E at 10am. The Learning Intention was to throw, catch and bat. We used the T ball tee and played non-stop cricket. Everyone loved it and is getting so fit. The big hill at camp will be no trouble to us!
For Maths my class do a basic facts and tables game with cards and dice to learn them. If you have cards or dice you could get your children to practice using this fun game
We are doing fractions of a shape on Monday.
And say what fraction of the whole is shaded and plain.
1/2, 2/ 5 etc
We are starting to brainstorm and write our own I am from ... poems.
This is a Kauri Thing at the start of the year!
We talked about the Success Criteria and then how to make our writing hook the reader in with adjectives before the noun. We colour coded them to see the difference.
Anshu and Reiya read a journal and explained how to create flower origami petals. We had a try and loved doing them. Geometry, instructions, creativity, listening.
What stars we are!
At the end of the day we sang some songs. Narwhales, Lemonade stand, flop song for example
Have a great weekend. Parent conferences are next Thursday. I may see you there.
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