Rapare 9 Hui-tanguru
Thursday 9 February
As we had swimming today after Maths, we just did a quick burst of running to wake our brains and bodies up. It's getting so dark in the morning that I know mine is still half asleep at 9am too.
Lotte bought in her gorgeous bunny Mrs Chips. She is a dream bunny and so tame and friendly. She had a lovely visit to school and was not overawed by the attention at all!
Thursday 9 February
As we had swimming today after Maths, we just did a quick burst of running to wake our brains and bodies up. It's getting so dark in the morning that I know mine is still half asleep at 9am too.
Lotte bought in her gorgeous bunny Mrs Chips. She is a dream bunny and so tame and friendly. She had a lovely visit to school and was not overawed by the attention at all!
Dandylions for morning tea.
The McComb boys had a difficult holiday judging by these lovely holiday snaps. They were up to their neck in "trouble"????
Benji and William. Don't ask me who is who.
Sam wore his Fitbit and found he had done 3,327 steps in fitness alone. If 10,000 steps are an optimum number for a child, then Sam was well on his way to hitting the mark!
We revisited what the children's jobs were and agreed our list was great!
Maths was in our Maths classes. I am assessing where people are. We were looking at Number knowledge. 1 more and 1 less with 2 and 3 digit numbers.
Tomorrow we will look at our fraction knowledge.
We went swimming at lunchtime as our swimming time had disappeared off the google docs sheet.
We used the snorkels and goggles.
Isi and Toa read their reading books beautifully with me and at home. Great work guys!
Reiya and Anshu read and answered questions about the text.
Lunchtime is "Kennex Time".
At P.E we discovered we didn't know every ones names yet so we did a puzzle name and played a game, Match the name to the person to learn who was who. Look at our tricky names.
Playing the naming game to learn the Room 11 Whizz kids names.
Creativity to the fore! Planes, trains, cars and mashers!
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