Ratu 21 Hui-tanguru
Tuesday 21 February
Dear Parents / Caregivers
This is a reminder that school will finish early for all students on Thursday 23 February at 1.30pm due to Team Parent / Teacher Conferences.
Please be aware that you will need to organise early pick up for your child/children on that day.
If you have not yet made a booking to meet your child/children’s teacher, you can do this by going to www.school interviews.co.nz and follow the instructions. Our school code is N73PX.
A hockey notice has gone out to children as has a notice about netball. If your child is interested please check they have received it.
Sophie has a new learning support computer with a great programme called Word Q. It provides a little box that gives the writer a guess of the words they may be wanting to use. The writer then selects the word in their mind, clicks on the word and puts it in the text. It is similar to Ciri? (sic) that some people have on their phones.
Word Q helps those who have difficulty getting the ideas down. It's a brilliant tool and already Sophie has learnt to use it and finish and complete the fantastic ideas that are in her head. She is so imaginative and it shows in this lovely poem about herself (an old Kauri tradition)
Tuesday 21 February
Dear Parents / Caregivers
This is a reminder that school will finish early for all students on Thursday 23 February at 1.30pm due to Team Parent / Teacher Conferences.
Please be aware that you will need to organise early pick up for your child/children on that day.
If you have not yet made a booking to meet your child/children’s teacher, you can do this by going to www.school interviews.co.nz and follow the instructions. Our school code is N73PX.
A hockey notice has gone out to children as has a notice about netball. If your child is interested please check they have received it.
Sophie has a new learning support computer with a great programme called Word Q. It provides a little box that gives the writer a guess of the words they may be wanting to use. The writer then selects the word in their mind, clicks on the word and puts it in the text. It is similar to Ciri? (sic) that some people have on their phones.
Word Q helps those who have difficulty getting the ideas down. It's a brilliant tool and already Sophie has learnt to use it and finish and complete the fantastic ideas that are in her head. She is so imaginative and it shows in this lovely poem about herself (an old Kauri tradition)
The red text is her improvement writing on her original text.
She was so pleased with herself!
We published our writing too.
Maths was finding the smallest fraction from the fraction wall and what fractions are equivalent fractions.
2 quarters is the same as 1/2
4 eighths is the same size as 2/4
Sophie bought in her Monarch butterfly book. We enjoyed reading it.
This afternoon we had music. We are learning to play the beat and notes.
Listen to us play.
BAG rest BAG rest BBAA, BAG rest
This is next weeks work!
Mrs Lineham is taking choir and these people are thinking of joining up.
Dom got into the first voice choir. They are doing a series of songs from shows like The Lion King.
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