Rahina 13 Hui- tanguru
Monday 13 February
Friday morning is my road patrol day and I am privileged to have Madi Coleman and Cruz Wilson as my patrol crew. What a great job the patrollers do in more ways than one.
They keep the school safe while crossing. Make decisions that allow traffic to flow, great adults and kids with a smile and show service to the community. They are stars and I am so proud of them.
Monday 13 February
Friday morning is my road patrol day and I am privileged to have Madi Coleman and Cruz Wilson as my patrol crew. What a great job the patrollers do in more ways than one.
They keep the school safe while crossing. Make decisions that allow traffic to flow, great adults and kids with a smile and show service to the community. They are stars and I am so proud of them.
Thanks for your help. If your child is able to train for the next intake, please let me know.
Lotte helping James to get his ideas down so fantastically.
Look out for our letters home to remind you of "meet the Teacher" and a CAMP meeting on Wednesday 15 February at 6pm.
Have you returned your camp medical information form?
Maths today was imagining we were at a pizza feast and how much of the pizza we could eat.
What is the biggest amount 1/ 4 or 3/ 4?
What is the smallest amount 2/3 or 3/ 3?
The lunchtime Kennex club is in full swing.
Isi and Toa are doing the play of Stone soup to the class. It will be fun!
Emma was away today. She has had a plate fitted. It is not sore but she is learning to have it in her mouth and she speaks a bit strangely until she gets used to it. Her teeth will be beautiful when it is out.
Look what I found in the paper today!
We played the "Name game and we found we knew most of the children in the class. We are stars. We also played the memory game. I went to the shop and I bought a Love heart, a banana, etc. It helps the children focus and recall information.
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