Rahina 3 Hongongoi

Monday 3 July

This is message from Andrew brown for our community.

This Thursday 6th July, Auckland Council are hosting a celebratory parade for the Americas Cup win by Emirates Team New Zealand.

The parade is scheduled to begin at 1PM in the central city.

School will be open as usual, but in support of this wonderful win, should you wish to take your children from school to attend the parade, you are welcome to sign them out from the office to attend. This is preferable to keeping them away from school for the whole day. If you are going to pick up your children early it would also be nice to let their teacher know so this can be expected.

Today we had our last day of slime making for our stall tomorrow.We so have it sorted!

As our assessment for inquiry we had to make a poster that showed the slime we were advertising.

Today was our first whanau rotation. They were lovely. the Year 5/ 6 went onto You Tube to do Maori String games. The little ones from Room 4, 19, and 16 did fortune tellers with Maori colours and numbers as their learning.

In room 16 we made...

In room 11 we made...


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